The past, being deterministic, defines who we are as a species and takes into account our genetic makeup. The past has imprinted some Cosmological conceptions of the universe and has created religious myths and current “truths”.


Different human systems emanate from the perception of the Universe.

Puente Cósmico 

The ancient conceptions of the Universe have led humanity to the creation of myths, legends, rites, cities, laws, economic systems, political systems, social systems, educational, moral and ideological systems.

Dioses GriegosDioses Egipcios

(Managing Uncertainty without much knowledge or awareness)

As can be seen in the Anthropological Museum of Mexico, the axes of the cultures are the following:

  • Religions, Myths and Legends (Conception of the Universe - Beliefs).
  • Economy (Primary livelihood and development).
  • Defense and Wars (fights with the environment - usually for primary territoriality issues).
  • Migrations and cultural changes (displacements for economic reasons, expansion, wars or conquest).
  • Arts (expressions of "intellect" and "sensibility").
  • Scientific and technological advances (by observation and experimentation, giving rise to hypotheses and theories).
  • Social and Family Organization (Structure of the Tribe, for survival, for job differentiation, and for the transmission of heritage and values ​​into the future).
  • These functions may change depending on the circumstances.
  • National, Regional and Communal Government.
  • Rites and ceremonies of death. Transitions and procedures towards the "beyond".
  • Overlap of rules and cultures between some civilizations and others (almost all religions have similar symbols and laws).


Practical Application for the Theory of General Systems

Ever since the System Dynamics and the multivariable model of the world (Forrester, 1970s) or the Problem Solving (Rusell Ackoff, 1970s), even the actual jobs of the Institute of San Fe about Complex Adaptive Systems (2000s), passing through the Viable System or P. Checkland’s Soft System Methodology (1078), the applications are incessant.